In this letter to his son, Cadwallader and daughter-in-law Alice,
Alexander Colden says that he has not heard from them since February and so he was glad to receive Cadwallader's letter dated June 27.
"We do bless the Lord for his goodnes and mercie he doth still follow with particularly that you both and our little grandchildren do keep your health and that your mutual affection to and satisfaction in another not only continues but encreases (this is to be estemmed one of the greatest earthly blessings) and also that you are so much in favour with your new governour," he writes.
In this letter he also tells them that Cadwallader's mother has had a cancerous growth removed, "Your mother is in health but was sometime ago affrayd of a cancer in her nose but blessed by God it is removed. She is not without fear of its returning."
Cadwallader's brother James has also included a short letter with his father's.